Since a website requires both web hosting space and a domain, it is important to be able to effortlessly manage not only the former, but also the latter. Even if the hosting service is fast and stable, registering a brand new domain name and pointing it to a specific website may be a burden and may involve a lot of time and energy. As a matter of fact, this is the case with the great majority of web hosting platforms out there – you will have no less than two accounts, one hosting account and one billing account, and registering a domain and bringing it online will require signing in and out of the two accounts. It would be far more convenient if you could carry out all these things from a single place and focus on your site, not on various administrative tasks.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Web Hosting

If you order a web hosting plan from our company, you’ll be given access to a feature-loaded Domain Manager, which is included in our all-inclusive Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You’ll be able to register a new domain and then to park it or host it, to order Whois Privacy Protection or to change its WHOIS information with only several clicks. Using quick-access buttons, you will also be able to create a sub-domain, an email account or a database, to check traffic statistics, to access the web files or to request a brand-new SSL certificate. All options are conveniently assembled and are available in one location, which will spare you plenty of time, so you’ll never have to sign out of the Domain Manager tool. You will not experience any problems, as we have included instructional articles and video tutorials to reveal the maximum capacity of our domain name management tool.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

You will be able to manage your domains without effort if you order a Linux semi-dedicated server from our company. The Domain Manager tool, which is part of our custom-developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel, includes plenty of options that will allow you to do anything you would like with just several clicks of the mouse. Apart from the typical options that you would anticipate from such a tool, such as registering and renewing a domain, modifying the WHOIS details or activating Whois Privacy Protection, you’ll also be able to take advantage of more advanced functions via fast-access buttons. In this way, you can easily set up an email, access your web files, examine web traffic statistics or buy an SSL for any of your domains. All these options are available in one place and despite the fact that the Domain Manager is an advanced tool, it is intuitive enough to be used by individuals with little or no practical experience.