Using our Online Control Panel, you will be able to oversee all aspects of your online presence. You will have at hand comprehensive data, which will provide you with up–to–the–minute information on the resources your sites are using and the visitors they’re having. You’ll also find various specific info about our platform as a whole. The data is divided into portions, so its possible to easily find your way around.

Server Info

Look into the hosting server’s OS, IP address, and so forth.

From the Web Statistics Manager area of the Online Control Panel, you’ll get real–time information about the server including the OS currently in use or the real IP address of your website hosting account. Moreover, you will discover beneficial details for your web development plans including the latest variations of PHP, MySQL and Perl, along with the installed Perl modules. Email server information like the sendmail path or the inbound and outbound maill servers is also provided.

The whole set of hosting server details are offered in an easily readable manner so you can easily find the information you need.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Listing

Instantly track down any site functionality problems

The Access and Error Logs capture information about the web server, consisting of details about web server access and the sorts of problems encountered throughout web server functioning. You’ll find both forms of information on the operation of your websites in the Web Statistics Manager section of the Online Control Panel.

The access log lists every one of the text files, image files, movie files, etc. that people have got wanted to check out on your website, while the error log archives just about all alerts and errors that the web server has spotted since the log file was made.

Hepsia File Manager

Web Traffic Stats

The ideal way to keep track of website visitors’ flow

When you manage a successful web site, it’s imperative that you understand a lot about site visitors – what number of unique visitors your web site receives, exactly how many site visitors get back to your web site, what key words individuals use to locate your site, and so on. In the Web Statistics Manager part of your Online Control Panel, one can find 2 traffic stats tools – Webalizer and Awstats that will help you find all the details that you require.

The applications demand no setup. When your web site is on the Internet, they will start accumulating details with no effort from you.

Hepsia File Manager

CPU Statistics

Keep tabs on your web sites’ CPU load

The CPU stats bundled in your Online Control Panel will offer realtime details about the server load that’s made within your account by your applications, data base requests, etc. Therefore, the more dynamic and complex your site is, the more hosting server allocations it will require to be running smoothly.

The CPU load report is exposed within an easily readable manner and provides you with details about the hosting server load generated per day, each month or per year. This specific information will help keep you updated on the web server power use at any minute and will allow you to stop your websites from getting offline due to server overload (reached server power usage limits).

Hepsia File Manager