The bigger your website becomes, the more complex mailbox managing is. Which is when you’re able to take full advantage of our full–featured Email Manager. It comes with all the features you need that allow you to be in charge of your email accounts, plus it’s provided with an intuitive user interface. With simply a few clicks it is possible to set up e–mail forwarding, set up an email auto–reply, configure anti–spam defense, and many more. Just scroll down to discover everything that Newage Hosting Service’s Email Manager can provide you!


Designed to hold spam away from you

Nobody wants spam inside the email account. Which is why, we have developed a customizable anti–spam solution in accordance with expertly configured algorithms that filter inbound emails and hold the junk away.

You may choose between several amounts of security, depending on what type of junk mail messages you receive. Moreover, you can easily indicate a different volume of spam protection for various mail accounts. Last, but not least, you can choose what goes on to e–mails marked as spam – to be deleted or sent to a given mailbox.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Forwarding

Redirect messages from one e–mail account to another

We’ve managed to get it easy for one to forward e–mail messages from one mailbox to an alternative one within your web hosting account. All you should do is select the email account you want to forward and then submit the destination mailbox where you need each of the messages to be delivered to.

You may also trigger a duplicate of each forwarded message to be kept in the e–mail account you currently have forwarded.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Filters

Arrange your email accounts without trouble

If you receive a large amount of emails each and every day, it’s essential to keep them sorted. That is why we provide server–side electronic mail filters that come into action even before you look at the mailbox for newly–arrived e–mail messages. Hence, in case you create your unique spam filters, you won’t find spam in your mailbox!

Setting up up–to–date email filters is really simple. You will have to define precisely what the filter has to look for, the spot that the filter searches for it (subject, body, etc.) and what transpires with the filtered emails.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Protection

DomainKeys as well as SPF (Sender Policy Framework) protection for one’s mailbox

Security is one of Newage Hosting Service’s top concerns. Including your emails. All of the email accounts are protected automatically by DomainKeys, a solution at the same time applied by Yahoo, AOL and Google. It shows a straightforward method to associate the sender’s website to the email message.

SPF protection is a service which impacts all e–mail accounts under a specified site. It will serve to forestall ’email forging’ – that means transmitting e–mail messages out of a mailbox not made on your web server.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Auto–Configure Option

Configure an e–mail address on your computer with a mouse–click

When you log into email on your laptop or desktop machine, it is likely that you make use of an email client. To save you the difficulty of needing to manually include each next mailbox in your mail client, we have included intelligent ’auto–configure’ files. Simply download the file and open it up with the mail application – this will automatically create your inbox within your chosen desktop client.

We’ve got auto–configure files for: Mozilla Thunderbird, Mac Mail, Outlook and Outlook Express.

Hepsia File Manager


Access your e–mail address through a web browser

Using the webmail instrument included in the Online Control Panel, you have access to your mail accounts from every Internet–connected gadget across the world! Employing the webmail address which we offer you, you’re able to sign in to any of your mailboxes created on Newage Hosting Service’s servers through every web browser you’ll have accessible.

Addititionally, there is an additional way to access your mailboxes online. Just sign in to the Online Control Panel and while in the webmail section, pick out the mailbox you intend to access and click on the RoundCube icon. This will promptly log you in your e–mail without the need to submit virtually any logon credentials.

Hepsia File Manager